Email Hidden Field

This is important to note since an increase in number of email leads does not necessarily mean quality of leads will remain the same.

If quality of leads (ie: revenue per additional subscriber) drops significantly, that will negate the lift in email signup rate.

The last piece of data we added to our analysis prior to testing was the breakeven point for the cost of the giveaway.

Total revenue for the pop-up offer variant would have to cover the cost of the giveaway for breakeven revenue (there would also be a benefit to more email subscribers, but for the sake of revenue breakeven, that isn’t considered here).

In a month of testing, we saw a 68% increase in email signup rate with a slightly lower revenue per additional subscriber.

However, the significant lift in email signup rate combined with a relatively flat revenue per additional subscriber resulted in a 65% increase in overall revenue for this experiment. Quite a win!

We have more ideas to share around email, account creation, and how they might impact attribution moving forward. Why? We already know the benefit to increasing the total % of emails captured. However it also helps downstream attribution analysis when you analyze how users navigate down your conversion funnel.