Email at Checkout

Strategy # 2: Testing Email Offer
Another approach to email capture is testing the offer itself. Is email one of your top performing channels? If so, it might be worth optimizing the signup offer. Here’s a test we ran recently - the variant offer resulted in a 97% increase in form submission rate.

Email at Checkout

Within Klaviyo (and likely most other ESPs), you can set up an AB test and tag users by their sign up source (control vs variant). From there, you'll be able to track overall revenue for each variation divided by number of email signups to get the value of one additional subscriber.

If your subscriber value holds and you double your form submission rate, that has the potential to be a huge win!

Strategy # 3: Mobile Hero
In this final Guess The Test video, you'll learn about 4 variations of hero content on the mobile homepage. This brand was running a video with shop now just below.

However, with our Event Tracking in place they discovered that the clicks were low on the Shop Now call to action. So this led to the hypothesis that the video might be too distracting and preventing users from working their way down the funnel. Watch the full video here.

Email at Checkout